The agent can be installed with Ansible or Salt scripts:
and when started the script, you have to provide the input parameters - only the first time:
GroupID can be found in Control Panel -> Midleo Configuration -> Groups -> Edit one group:

Once defined, the server will be visible for the team members of this group into Control Panel -> Inventory -> Servers:

You can see what kind of software/versions is installed on the server:

This will be used for the further automated check for the available updates (In case it is defined)
Connect a server to midleo.CORE system
Author: Vasil Vasilev
December 19, 2022
To connect to the application server and deploy objects, you need the correct information of the server where this middleware product is installed.
This is happening with the help of Midleo Agents:
The agent can be installed with Ansible or Salt scripts:
and when started the script, you have to provide the input parameters - only the first time:
midleo-agents/getinfo# python3 midleo_client.py
Please provide midleo DNS:app.midleo.com
SSL enabled ? (y/n):y
Please provide responsible GroupID:QH5iM8LE
Update interval (in minutes):5
{"log":"Updated machine:vmd4562.local.net"}
{"log": "sleep 5 minutes"}
GroupID can be found in Control Panel -> Midleo Configuration -> Groups -> Edit one group:
Once defined, the server will be visible for the team members of this group into Control Panel -> Inventory -> Servers:
You can see what kind of software/versions is installed on the server:
This will be used for the further automated check for the available updates (In case it is defined)