open Jira ticket and trigger middleware deployment with Middleware Admin
You can trigger a middleware deployment with Middleware Admin and also with a Jira ticket. To do this, you have to create a Webhook.From the Jira System menu -> Webhooks...
Restart application servers with external request system and Middleware Admin
You can create a workflow with automated steps from Middleware Admin and use an external request system like
Jboss/Wildfly administration/deployment with jboscout in midleo.CORE
With the JBoss/Wildfly module - JBOScout, you can connect to
TIBCO EMS module for administration and deployment in midleo.CORE
With the Tibco EMS module, you can connect to EMS server, create objects, update, deploy, and delete them.In this scenario TibJmsAdmin is used -
Deploy BAR file to IBM ACE server or IBM IIB server
After you configure the connection to the IBM ACE/IIB server:
define new IBM ACE server and create Integration servers
In Midleo.CORE, there is a module that is used for automating the deployments and creations of objects in the IBM ACE server.It is called - ACEScout.When you enable it,...