Once enabled, the job will check every minute for the availability of the application server (based on the server type, different methods are used for this check)
At the end of the day, the report is analyzed and sent to the middleware admin server.
You can access the report via the menu: Reports -> Application server availability, please select the desired server type and month and click on Get data.

When you click on the application server, you can have more detailed information for the last 20 days:
Application server availability report
Author: Vasil Vasilev
June 5, 2024
You can configure an availability check for the supported application servers:
- IBM MQ Qmanager
- IBM FTE Agent
- RabbitMQ
- Tibco EMS
- Jboss/Wildfly
- Apache Tomcat
- IBM Websphere AS
Note: the list can be changed/updated
and export the availability report in Excel based on month, day, or show the Chart.
To do this you need to enable the availability check with the locally on the server. Example:
cd /var/midleoagent #or where agent is installed
./ enableavl ACEBR01 ibmace
Availability check for ACEBR01 have been enabled
#you can stop/start the availability check due to maintenance
./ stopavl ACEBR01 "CHG01022 - update local db"
Availability check for ACEBR01 have been stopped
./ startavl ACEBR01
Availability check for ACEBR01 have been started
Once enabled, the job will check every minute for the availability of the application server (based on the server type, different methods are used for this check)
At the end of the day, the report is analyzed and sent to the middleware admin server.
You can access the report via the menu: Reports -> Application server availability, please select the desired server type and month and click on Get data.
When you click on the application server, you can have more detailed information for the last 20 days: