
Application servers monitoring

Author: Vasil Vasilev
June 10, 2024

The Monitoring module in midleo.CORE is designed especially for middleware products like IBM MQ, IBM ACE, JBoss AS, Tomcat, and others.
You can configure availability monitoring, alerts on special Error codes, or server disk threshold alerts.
To do this, you have to define the monitoring alert in Control Panel -> Monitoring -> Define new:

You can select different alert types - email, service now incident, regular incident (via MWAdmin), or others.
In case you select Service Now incident, you can define the assignment group - where the incident should be sent.
Once saved, it is active.
On the server side, there are special cronjobs from the midleo.agents that can be used for triggering alerts.

Diagram name: Midleo.CORE module for middleware administration
last updated: 216 days ago

Alerts can be sent also by third-party apps. The important thing is to use the correct Error code that you have configured in the previous menu. For example:

- filebeat - Modules
- logstash - working examples:
    - IBM Integration Bus monitoring with logstash and Middleware Admin - rsyslog
    - IBM APP Connect monitoring with Logstash and Middleware Admin
    - IBM MQ monitoring with logstash, filebeat and Middleware Admin

The following alert is of type email, sent from the availability check.

The following alert is of type Service Now incident: