
TIBCO EMS module for administration and deployment in midleo.CORE

Author: Vasil Vasilev
April 17, 2024

With the Tibco EMS module, you can connect to EMS server, create objects, update, deploy, and delete them.
In this scenario TibJmsAdmin is used - TibjmsAdmin (TIBCO Enterprise Message Service).

You have to configure a new EMS server in the tibcoscout module. Before saving, you can test the connection to see if all is fine with provided credentials:

After it is added, you can check the current status of the application server. You can see other administrative information about the EMS server:

If you want to create new queues, you have to go to the submenu Queues.
Once they are defined locally in the Middleware Admin application, you can select the ones that you want to deploy and click on Deploy selected objects:

A new window will be opened where you have to write the Request number, because everything should be deployed by request and have to be transparent to the client.

Here we can define also a job time, in case we want this to be deployed later.

When you click on Deploy, you will start the process and in few seconds you will get the result: