
define new IBM ACE server and create Integration servers

Author: Vasil Vasilev
January 27, 2023

In Midleo.CORE, there is a module that is used for automating the deployments and creations of objects in the IBM ACE server.
It is called - ACEScout.
When you enable it, you can go to Control Panel -> ACEScout

Once you select the application, a list of available application servers and projects connected with this application will be displayed.

Once you select the desired Server, you will see more info about it:

In Section Servers, you can edit and define the Integration Servers.

Note that there are two sections - Available on the server and Created Local.
The first ones are the Ace servers that are up and running on the Application server. The second ones - created local, are available in the Midleo.CORE system. The idea is to have them locally and once you install again the application server with Node, you can easily create all available ACE servers.
Once you are done with the changes, and when you want to update the changes on the Application Server side, you have to click - Synchronize changes.
This will trigger REST POST call to the application server and will update the Integration Server parameters.
From this overview, you can stop/start the ACE Servers.
If you want to Deploy an application - BAR archive, you have to define GIT Repository. Or to use the existing repository for the midleo.CORE applications. In both cases, the midleo.CORE ACEScout , will connect to the repository and will download the artifacts, then will deploy them on the Application Server.

From the submenu Applications, you can restart the applications on the selected ACE Server: