
Deploy BAR file to IBM ACE server or IBM IIB server

Author: Vasil Vasilev
January 24, 2024

After you configure the connection to the IBM ACE/IIB server: define new IBM ACE server , you can explore the Applications, Message Flows and deploy resources such as BAR files.
To do this, you have to create a repository in your Git system and upload the bar files into the folder with such structure:

repository root folder/Integration_Node_Name/Integration_Server_name

From the ACEScout -> Servers menu, click on the "Bar Deployment" button next to Stop. Only if the Int server is running, you can see this button.

It will redirect to the Deployment section where you have to fill the Git credentials (example):

When you save the connection data, you will see the content of the Git folder:

Only the files with the extension .bar can be deployed. Here you can upload staging.properties, configurable.properties, where the staging parameters and configurable services can be read, staged, and sent with the bar file for deployment.
If you click on the button at the end - "Bar deployment", you will start the deployment process.
In a few moments, you will receive the result:

After that, you can see if the application and the message flow are up and running - from the menu Applications:

from this menu, you can stop either the Application or only a message flow.
Deployment information is written as well: